Tax Information 和 Assistance

由法律规定, 正规赌博十大平台排行要求在每个纳税年度向美国公民或永久居民正规赌博十大平台排行的学生提供1098-T表格. 此表格可以帮助您确定教育税收抵免或扣除的资格.


More information regarding tax credits 和 deductions is available at the 国税局的网站 or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM. IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for EducationIRS Form 8863, Education Credits 特别有用.

The 正规赌博十大平台排行 cannot provide tax advice. Please refer to relevant IRS forms 和 publications or consult a tax advisor, not the 正规赌博十大平台排行, 有关任何允许的税收抵免或扣除的资格和计算的解释.


大学要求在1098-T表上提供的信息不一定与您可能需要计算任何您可能有资格获得的教育税收抵免或扣除的信息相对应. 大学必须在日历年内报告收到的符合条件的学费和相关费用(方框1)。.

美国国税局要求大学按日历年而不是学年进行报告. 因此, 方框1中报告的金额包括2022日历年2023年冬季学期或2023年春季学期的任何账单金额. 方框5中报告的金额还包括2022日历年2023年冬季学期或2023年春季学期记入的任何奖学金和助学金.

美国国税局要求大学减少任何学费减免收益的账单费用. If you received any type of tuition waiver during the calendar year, you will see a reduction in the amount of charges reported in Box 1.

您可以通过以下方式查看1098-T表格上的财务活动清单 MyDU. 参见下面的说明.

  • How to View Your 1098-T Form Online


    1. 登录 DUPay
    2. Select the My Account | Statements | 1098-T Tax Statement
    3. Select the action icon next to the year you would like to see
    4. 选择视图

    To view your more detailed information online:

    1. 登录 MyDU
    2. 选择学生资源
    3. Select Financial Account Management
    4. 1098-T税表
    5. Enter the tax year to view 和 click Submit

    The supplemental 1098-T form for the selected tax year will display. 可以通过向下滚动页面或单击1098-T表格中的金额来查看详细信息. 您可以在您的网页浏览器上打印表格,以帮助您报税.

  • 1098-T表格交付

    1098-T表格位于DUPay“我的账户|报表| 1098-T纳税报表”下.

    根据美国国税局的规定,1098-T表格只发给美国公民和永久居民. If you are not a US citizen or permanent resident, you may request a 1098-T by e邮件ing the Bursar's Office at

    如果您在1月31日之前没有收到1098-T表格,或者您的地址发生了变化,请 contact the Bursar's Office.

  • 社会安全号码

    由法律规定, 您必须向需要向国税局提交信息申报表的人提供您正确的纳税人识别号码(社会安全号码(SSN)或个人纳税人识别号码(ITIN)). If you fail to furnish your correct SSN or ITIN to the 正规赌博十大平台排行, 你将受到美国国税局50美元的罚款,除非你的失败是由于合理的原因,而不是故意疏忽. 学校将定期检查没有ssn的学生的档案. 这些学生将被要求通过先锋网在线提交社会安全号信息或提交完整的国税局表格W-9S, 要求提供学生或借款人的纳税人编号及证明文件.

    To update your SSN with the University, log into MyDU,然后去 学生资源|财务账户管理|更新社保或纳税人身份证号码.

    或者,您可以填写并提交W-9S表格,该表格可在国税局网站上找到。 / pub / irs-pdf / fw9s.pdf. Completed forms should be delivered to the Bursar's Office. 表格可以亲自交付,通过美国邮政邮寄,或传真到303-871-4401.

Form 1098-T Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why didn't I get a 1098-T Form?
    • You are not a US Citizen or Permanent Resident;
    • You did not have had a valid address on file with DU on January 1; or
    • 在日历年度内,您的账户中没有任何符合条件的学费或相关费用.


    If you feel you should have received a 1098-T form 和 did not, please call 303-871-4944 or

  • Can I have my 1098-T form sent via U.S. 邮件?

    1098-T forms are loaded electronically to your DUPay. If you prefer to have future 1098-T forms 邮件ed to you, you must notify the 学生收费办公室 in writing. 该表格将于1月1日邮寄到学校为您存档的地址. The online copy of the form shows the address your form was 邮件ed to.

  • Do I submit the 1098-T form with my tax return?

    Taxpayers are not required to submit the 1098-T form with their tax return. This document should be kept with your personal records.

  • Can you send a 1098-T form directly to my tax preparer?

    No. You must provide your preparer with a copy of the form.



  • What does an amount in Box 1 mean?

    方框1中报告的金额是在日历年内从所有来源收到的合格学费和相关费用的付款总额. 美国国税局的规定将合格的学费和相关费用定义为正规赌博十大平台排行所需的学费和费用. Qualified expenses do not include room 和 board, 健康保险, medical expenses or other personal expenses. 另外, if you received any type of tuition waiver during the calendar year, 第1栏中所列的收费金额将由学费减免所得金额减去.

  • 为什么是盒子2 & 3空白?

    框2 & 3 is reserved for future use by the IRS; there are no current reporting requirements to be completed in Box 2 or 3.

  • What does an amount in Box 4 mean?


  • What does an amount in Box 5 mean?

    The amount reported in Box 5 includes all grants, 奖学金, 和 waivers administered 和 processed by DU’s Financial Aid Office, 以及大学从政府机构收到的VA款项, 参加后备役军官训练军团, or other similar benefits in the calendar year.

    它不包括不通过杜的财政援助办公室处理的外部奖学金. 然而, 在计算教育税收抵免或减免时,可能需要考虑这些金额.

    除了, 框5中报告的奖学金和助学金金额可能包括食宿奖学金金额, 在计算教育税收抵免或扣除时,哪些可能不需要考虑.

  • What does an amount in Box 6 mean?


  • What is DU's tax ID/filer ID/EIN?

    DU的tax ID是84-0404231.

  • Why didn't I get a 1098-T Form?
    • You are not a US Citizen or Permanent Resident;
    • You did not have had a valid address on file with DU on January 1; or
    • 在日历年度内,您的账户中没有任何符合条件的学费或相关费用.



  • Can I have my 1098-T form sent via U.S. 邮件?

    1098-T forms are loaded electronically to your DUPay. If you prefer to have future 1098-T forms 邮件ed to you, you must notify the Bursar's Office in writing. 该表格将于1月1日邮寄到学校为您存档的地址. The online copy of the form shows the address your form was 邮件ed to.

  • Do I submit the 1098-T form with my tax return?

    Taxpayers are not required to submit the 1098-T form with their tax return. This document should be kept with your personal records.

  • Can you send a 1098-T form directly to my tax preparer?

    No. You must provide your preparer with a copy of the form.